quinta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2015

Baton Rouge

This record in special, "Lights Out On The Playground", is excellent and it's been one of my favorite records ever for a very long time. The song, "Dreamin' In Black And White", is a perfect example of what Arena Rock is about: catchy and "sing along at top of your lungs" kind of chorus.

segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2015

Hobbs' Angel Of Death

One of those Thrash Metal cults. Peter Hobbs is one of those guys who will never give up. And even though originality is not the highlight of his music, his passion will make up for it.

sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015


Intense. Highly headbangable. Excellent production.

quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2015


They sound more Black Sabbath than Black Sabbath itself in several periods of their career. Noticed I've been listening to several copycat bands lately, but if they're copy cating good bands and doing it well, why not? Let 'em roll. And all bands from the U.S.A.. That should mean something.

segunda-feira, 3 de agosto de 2015


Doomy Heavy Metal from the USA. Glad to find like decent and real doom from the USA these days that are not close tied to sludge/stoner and that kind of crap. A recommendation for Dawnbringer listeners. Am I too biased or this too has its share of Mercyful Fate?


Rather Mercyful Fate-ish, thus, great! Google Music recommended me this band because I enjoyed In Solitute, which is even more Mercyful Fate-ish, thus, even greater.